Mapping back the consensus sequences to the threespine genome



The annotated genome of the related species Gasterosteus aculeatus is available on Ensembl. We will perform two blast searches using the consensus sequences we built for our species:

  • nucleotide to nucleotide (blastn)
  • translated nucleotide to protein (blastx)


The two species have diverged approximatively 16 My ago. In addition, the teleost group has had a whole genome duplication at some point in its history. When performing the blast we assume that:

  • the divergence between the two species is less than the divergence between paralogous genes
  • the physical maps are related between the two species, i.e. there is a strong synteny between the species. This is supported by some previous works using linkage maps.


Preparation of the databases

We use for references:

  • the nucleotide top-level database (DNA sequences, FASTA format)
  • the protein all-peptides database (protein sequences, FASTA format)

Have a look at the fasta files for each type (DNA or protein) with less. Can you count how many entries are present per file?

Those sequences can be downloaded from the ftp server of Ensembl.

The blast databases must be prepared in the same way as we did for the consensus on consensus blast.

The blast (blastn and blastx) would be performed as a submitted job on the cluster.

We provide you with the result file from the blastn (nucleotide to nucleotide) and blastx (translated nucleotide to peptide).

TODO Have a look at the result files

The result files are blastn-vs-3spine-dna and blastx-vs-3spine-pept for the blastn and the blastx runs, respectively.

The headers for the output are:

qseqid sseqid qstart qend sstart send qseq sseq evalue bitscore score 
length pident nident mismatch positive gapopen gaps qframe sframe

Have a look at the beginning of each result file with for example:

head -n 100 blastn-vs-3spine-dna | column -t | less -S

Can you recognize the different columns? Do we have several hits per contig? How would you decide when multiple hits occur?

TODO Comparison of best e-values per contig for blastn

We are going to get the two best hits for each consensus, and compare their p-values. We use a python script to extract the information:

python blastn-vs-3spine-dna blastn-vs-3spine-dna.bestHits

Have a look at the output file with:

column -t blastn-vs-3spine-dna.bestHits | less -S

This table is going to be useful for us to choose a threshold between the two best e-values.

Let's have a look at the two best e-values for each consensus sequence in R:

# R script

# Load the table
d = read.table("blastn-vs-3spine-dna.bestHits", sep = "\t", 
  header = T, na.strings = "NA")

# Plot the e-values pairs (log scale)
plot(d$blastnlog10BestEvalue, d$blastnlog10SecondEvalue, pch = ".")

# Not very informative, let's try with a density scatter plot
smoothScatter(d$blastnlog10BestEvalue, d$blastnlog10SecondEvalue)

# Another way to look at it is the distribution of differences
plot(density(d$blastndeltaLogBestEvalues, na.rm = T))

How does the distribution of best e-values look like? Can you see distinct groups? How can you interpret those groups?

We can select unambiguous hits by imposing a minimum difference between the two best e-values. For example, if we want to have the best e-value at least 1000x smaller than the second one, there should be a difference of at least 3 units between their log-transformed values. Visualize it on the graph:

# (continued R script)

# Line of equal e-values
abline(0, 1, col = "black")

# Line of differences between log = 3
abline(3, 1, col = "red")

Based on this plot, can you suggest a good threshold value for the difference between the best e-values? Can you calculate how many contigs are mapped when applying this threshold?

Strategy to validate blastn and blastx hits

We used the annotation data for the threespine to build a small sqlite database giving the genomic positions of the coding sequences of the peptides.

From the paper's Methods:

Mapping locations of the consensus sequences were accepted if they met at least one of the following three criteria, tested in this order:

  1. the ratio of the lowest blastn e-value to the second lowest e-value was >= 105 (blastx results consistent with those blastn location were simultaneously validated)
  2. blastx results and blastn results not fulfilling criterion 1) had consistent genomic locations and an e-value product <= 10-5
  3. the ratio of the two lowest blastn e-values was >=103, with the lowest e-value being <=10-4, for blastn results not fulfilling criteria 1) or 2)

No further blastx results were validated after this point.

Discuss this strategy, and propose alternative ones.

Summary of the results and reality check

TODO Summary statistics

Get the number of validated hits per chromosome with R (see the Etherpad for the code which will be written on the fly - hint: use subset and table in R). Here, we use only the first rule described above, i.e. only the difference between the best blastn e-values.

Plot the number of hits vs chromosome length. The chomosome lengths are available from a file:

# R script
lengths = read.table("chromosomeLengths")

We will write together the code to do the plot.

TODO Comparison with in silico digestion

The threespine genome was also digested in silico with EcoRI and HaeIII. The file RAD-fragments-in-silico. We will perform a comparison between the number of consensus mapped back to each chromosome and the expected numbers.

The R code for this analysis will be produced live.